Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Audiobook [Free Download]

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Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

The readers can download Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


Mindset by Carol Dweck is an audiobook that is based on the Author’s 20-year research that has demonstrated that the view you adopt towards yourself will greatly affect the way you lead your life.

This is a belief that permeates nearly every part of our lives. It is so strong that it’s capable of limiting our potential or unlocks our possibility of success. Dr. Carlo Dweck believes that it can be the difference between excellence and mediocrity. It also influences our self-awareness, our self-stem, our resilience, our creativity, our tendency to stereotype, our ability to overcome adversity, among many other things.

She also explains the existence of a Growth and Fixed mindsets. They represent the both extreme of the spectrum. The Fixed mindset comes from the belief that your qualities are unchangeable, you are who you are. Traits like intelligence, creativity and personality are seen from a fixed perspective and they are not expected to change.

On the other hand, a growth mindset is originated by the idea that your basic qualities can be cultivated through effort and consistency. It is possible to change or grow through persistence and experience.

The audiobook mains to educate people regarding these concepts in order to give them the tools that they need to be able to continue growing and they can become the best they can be.


The audiobook Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck has been in charge of popularizing the terms growth mindset and fixed mindset. Growth mindset is able to develop its skills through effort and consistency, while a fixed mindset is the one that is unwilling to grow, the belief that a person’s traits and characteristics cannot change.

As an example we have the students that after a confusing class of algebra say “I don’t understand algebra” or “It’s too difficult for me” while a growth mindset might say “This class was tough but I can master it if I study hard” or maybe “I need to review that class so I can understand it completely”.

This Audiobook presents a set of advice and tips in order not only to help you understand what mindset is, but also for you to be able to modify your behavior in order to improve your life through the tools that mindset offers you.

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