Sandra Brown dedicates an excessive amount of time to her two protagonists repeatedly evading the same individuals. The storyline is too straightforward to sustain one's interest throughout such a lengthy book. It would have been beneficial for her to conclude the ending of her novel a bit more swiftly. The narrative felt like it was dragging on...and that's even with me multitasking and organizing my garage while listening.
This audiobook was a great time with an awesome narrator. It's a cut above the typical romance/suspense books by Sandra Brown - featuring a more intricate storyline with pleasant surprises.
I'm a big fan of mystery and detective thrillers, so Smoke Screen was right up my alley. What really hooked me was how the plot seamlessly blended with the complex and well-developed characters. This was my introduction to Sandra Brown, thanks to a friend's recommendation, and I can confidently say she's now one of my favorite authors. I'm already diving into my second Brown book and plan to devour every title on her impressive list.
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