The Obsidian Chamber Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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The Obsidian Chamber

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  • I've devoured all the Pendergast novels, eagerly anticipating the next one. The majority of the book was thoroughly enjoyable. It had the characteristic fast-paced cat-and-mouse game, with Proctor stealing the spotlight as he pursued the damsel in distress. Aloysius was absent, presumed dead until fellow agent Longstreet made a dramatic entrance to save the day and settle some unfinished business. Interestingly, Longstreet ended up being the only character who made any sense in the long run, right up until the very end. I can't help but wonder about justice for the victims, Preston and Child. Ah, yes, the Dr. shouldn't have disturbed the serial killer by walking into the room.
  • I have so many questions after reading this book. What is actually happening? Diogenes is alive again (I think he has more lives left!) and he has undergone a complete transformation. He is a changed man now and no longer interested in killing people. If he wasn't insane before, he definitely is now. And can you believe that Constance might actually feel sorry for him? Poor Proctor is desperately chasing after Constance all over the world, even though she isn't there. And will Pendergast ever admit his love for her? This book is packed with action and suspense, but it doesn't provide a satisfying resolution in the end. Instead, it leaves you craving more with a cliffhanger leading into the next installment. I strongly suggest reading this series in order, otherwise some things might not make sense. There are characters introduced from previous books with backstories that are not explained. This is not a standalone novel, but rather the next chapter in a very long book that builds on previous events. I highly recommend it. If you found this review helpful, please let me know. Thank you.