With My Eyes Wide Open: Miracles and Mistakes on My Way Back to KoRn Audiobook [Free Download by Trial]

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With My Eyes Wide Open: Miracles and Mistakes on My Way Back to KoRn by Brian "Head" Welch

The readers can download With My Eyes Wide Open: Miracles and Mistakes on My Way Back to KoRn Audiobook for free via Audible Free Trial.


He left KoRn to help himself. He went back to help others. And along the way, he nearly lost everything.



  • I really enjoyed the narration of "With My Eyes Wide Open: Miracles and Mistakes on My Way Back to KoRn" by Head himself. The book is absolutely incredible. I appreciate his honesty and the personal journey he shares about his return to the band KoRn.
  • This book tells a captivating tale of triumphing over challenges, experiencing love, and staying strong in the face of adversity. I find it incredibly engaging to hear about the author's personal journey and the lessons he has learned along the way.
  • This book is pretty awesome, filled with surprising moments that will definitely put a smile on your face! The practical theology presented in the story is truly fantastic! It's a great reminder that it's not just about isolating ourselves and doing "Christian stuff," but rather, we are called to be a part of the world and represent Jesus in everything we do! So, let's strive to be like Jesus!
  • When I got my hands on Brian's initial book, I really hoped he would be the one narrating it. Having listened to this book with Brian's narration, I couldn't help but notice his lack of enthusiasm for the most part. I just wish it felt like he was genuinely invested in reading it. On the whole, it's an engaging tale that delves into the hardships of everyday life, highlighting the fact that celebrities don't lead perfect lives. They are just as human as the rest of us, grappling with genuine human issues, and the transformative power of God can genuinely turn your life around.
  • Even though I'm not a celebrity, I have a similar experience and can genuinely connect with many of the anecdotes. Being a fan and a believer, it's truly inspiring to witness people's remarkable transformations, and I greatly appreciate the message that you're sharing. Every book I've read from you has been absolutely essential, and I can't seem to get my fill of them. Thank you so much, and may God bless you.
  • Brian embodies the kind of Christian that Christ desires for all of us to be. Jesus isn't concerned with superficialities like our outward image, our location, or the company we keep. He certainly doesn't expect Christians to act as judges on His behalf. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence among many individuals, whether they identify as Christians or not. It's effortless to criticize and condemn those who are different from us in any aspect. However, Jesus loves each and every one of us, regardless of our shortcomings, and it is precisely because of our failures that we need Him.
  • Listening to this audiobook is even more awesome because it's the author himself who narrates it. And if you're familiar with the story of the band Korn, this book will keep blowing your mind with the incredible love that Christ has for all of us. It will challenge your preconceived judgments about people based on their appearance and show you the power of Christ dwelling within us.